
To be considered for this scholarship, all applicants meet the following criteria:

  • Have lived at a Section 42 tax credit property for at least one (1) year
  • Be a Senior at an accredited high school or current college student
  • Have maintained at least a 2.7 cumulative high school grade-point-average (GPA) on a 4.0 grade scale
  • Plan to or be enrolled  in a two- or four-year accredited university pursuing their first bachelor's degree
  • Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • Demonstrate financial need

Student motivation and leadership potential play a critical role in the selection process. We take into account the following factors giving priority to students who demonstrate the greatest drive to succeed:

  • Demonstration of motivation (career goals, previous/current work experience, etc)
  • GPA
  • Demonstration of leadership potential
  • Community Involvement
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Financial need

Scholarship applications will be reviewed based on a blend of objective and selective criteria including:

  • GPA
  • Documented Evidence of Community Involvement
  • Documented Evidence of Financial Need
  • Evaluation of Letters of Recommendation
  • Evaluation of Personal Statement

scholarship applicant requirements